Do You Know Where Your IT Is Taking You? You Should.

STS Can Help You Develop An IT Roadmap.

Just as you develop a strategic roadmap to define your overall business goals and the strategies you need to use to achieve them, you need a roadmap for your IT operations. Strategic IT planning focuses on your business’s specific needs and how to use IT to meet them. IT is a strategic capability to be used and integrated into planning and projections with consideration of future IT innovations and business growth. The process of IT roadmapping can help to improve your business efficiencies, productivity, communications and align your IT with your overall strategic plan.

STS will help you develop a customized IT Roadmap for your business.  During the process we consider the following elements and how they apply to your business now and as your business grows.

  • Data Security  

Security is an essential factor for any organisation and it is especially important when it comes to IT.  With the ever-increasing threats from cybercriminals, you need to plan for risk assessments, data protection, data recovery, staff awareness, and ensure maximum security for your critical data.

  • Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity

Disaster recovery and business continuity refer to an organisation’s ability to recover data after a disaster occurs and where IT services are shut down or compromised. Both practices involve the process of backing up data and preparing policies and procedures to recover IT in the event of a disaster.

  • Security Enhancement Via Continuous Monitoring and Maintenance

Continuous Diagnostic Monitoring enables us to view your network and identify risks and quantify attacks and/or breaches remotely on a continual basis. This way your IT system is always up and running and IT issues are addressed before they cause downtimes.

  • Identity and Access Management

Identity and access management is a security practice that enables only authorized individuals to access resources to comply with security and compliance requirements. This is a crucial element for any business.

  • Optimisation and Consolidation

Optimisation of your IT infrastructure involves analyzing and resolving inefficiencies in your existing IT assets, and consolidating resources and operations to improve your efficiencies and reduce IT costs.

  • Efficient Use of Cloud Computing

Properly hosted cloud solutions provide easy, scalable access to resources, applications, and services. Software as a Service utilizes cloud-computing infrastructure to deliver a single application to multiple users in any location, rather than using the traditional one application per desktop. This provides scalability of resources as your business grows, and can reduce the need for costly hardware and software.

  • IT Budget and Cost Control

The budgeting and cost control process defines and implements IT service, support and equipment procurement strategies to achieve your company’s priorities and plans with savings in mind and to reduce any unnecessary costs and expenses.

  • IT Mobility

With the BYOD (bring your own device) trend, your staff has the ability to work from home or on the road. Businesses today are competing in a mobile, technology-driven economy. They rely on their mobile workforce to ensure customer satisfaction and product innovation. If implemented in a secure fashion, BYOD will enhance your business’s productivity, and employee satisfaction. We’ll consider applications, support, ownership, security, communication issues and mobile policies to ensure your mobile workforce is always productive and secure. Mobility solutions ensure secure and simple access to data, tools and applications from any location.

  • Networking: Data and Voice Communications

Data communications refer to the electronic transmission of information for storage and processing, while voice communications refers to systems such as mobile devices and VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) systems to enhance both your internal and external communications, and to promote business continuity.

  • File Sharing

Many parts of your business use the same services and resources. Through secure file sharing services, authorized employees can collaborate more effectively on projects, by sharing, accessing and editing files in real time.

  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Enterprise Resource Planning involves using business management software that combines a variety of integrated applications to store and manage data for all aspects of your business operations.  It includes product planning, manufacturing, marketing, inventory management, shipping, invoicing, accounts receivables and payables, and more.

  • Virtualisation: Servers, Desktop, Storage, Applications, Data Center

Virtualisation in technology refers to the creation virtual servers, desktops, storage devices, applications, and computer network resources. Virtualisation allows your business to virtualize your entire IT infrastructure or just specific aspects of it, and simplifies your overall IT infrastructure to promote efficiencies and reduce costs.

  • Legacy Application Modernisation/Renovation

Legacy application modernisation is the process of refactoring, re-purposing, or consolidating legacy software programs to align to your company’s current and plan for future needs. This enables you to benefit from the advantages of new development without the risk and cost of replacing legacy systems.

  • Business Intelligence and Business Analytics

Business intelligence refers to a variety of software applications used to analyze a business’s raw and big data (massive amounts of data). Business analytics is the process of exploring and investigating an organisation’s data with emphasis on statistical analysis.

Stop Using Hit-or-Miss IT Strategies.  

Contact STS For Your IT Roadmap To Success.

In order to get the most benefit from your IT investment, your business in Sydney needs a customized analysis and IT Roadmap to ensure you can meet your goals and objectives, both today and tomorrow.